
With the increasing global competition in the world, companies have started to procure materials and semi-finished products from many countries around the world. Supply sources are rapidly diversifying and new countries and companies are entering the competitive arena. This confronts companies with two major challenges:
- How can procurement costs be reduced through the management of logistics resources?
- How can our company compete with the low costs offered by resources in different countries?
The solution to both of these problems can be achieved by streamlining the logistics system. In this context, the following applications are implemented in line with your company's needs to ensure that you gain a competitive advantage:
- Implementation of Kanban and electronic Kanban systems
- Implementation of milk run system with suppliers
- Implementation of milk run system with customers
- Reduction in delivery times of customer demands with Heijunka and pull system
These applications are implemented in your company with world-class techniques and international knowledge transfer.
How do we work?
First, we apply the "GECHI GEMBUTSU" (go and see) principle, which is one of the basic principles of lean thinking, and visit your company. We determine the project outline by conducting a 1-2 hour meeting, a general visit to the company facilities and an exchange of views to form our basic views on your company, determine the scope of the project to be implemented and get the management's ideas about lean thinking. The prepared LEAN LOGISTICS PROJECT proposal is then presented to the authorized person one week after the visit.

Project outline

- General Information: It includes general information about the lean logistics system.
- Scope: The content of each lean logistics technique included in the project is defined separately.
- Project Schedule: It is a project plan that shows the duration required for the implementation of each technique given in the project and the amount of consultancy service to be provided in terms of man-days within this period. This plan is of course a proposal plan and this period may change slightly with the establishment of project teams and subsequent analyzes. According to our experience, this change is very small.
- Pricing: Information about man-day unit price, monthly invoice amount and total project cost.
- General information and contact information about our consultants who can take part in the project and our references.
Genel information
The project outline is discussed with the customer to ensure that their needs are fully reflected in the project. We provide the necessary support to our customer until the kick-off meeting to ensure that the necessary preparations are made completely and properly before the project starts. Thus, it is ensured that our customer does the right job with the right start.
A consultancy agreement is drawn up with the company before the start of the project or immediately after the start.